As someone who lives a pretty mundane existence, grew up on a ranch in Southern Alberta when the school I went to from K-9 was 99% mormon and 100% white with the exception of a couple first nations foster kids throughout the 10 years I went to school there. I went to high school in a town with the Blood Indian Reserve right next door, some who attended our school and very little else in terms of racial diversity. From there I have lived in primarily caucasian and primarily Christian locations, not because we chose that, but because it is the nature of rural Alberta. Despite my upbringing surrounded by people of my own "colour", I have no ill will towards any other race or ethnic group. (I won't get started on how I feel about religion - that's a blog for another day).
If a caucasian, small town Alberta girl can have an open mind and heart to live and let live, why can't everyone? Many days, I wish that people presented to each other as souls and not as human flesh. Would we be so quick to judge then? If all we saw was another's deepest desires, their longing to be loved and accepted, their ambitions, dreams and fears, would we still have hate in our hearts? To me, it is no different if you are LGTBQ or any other variation. The only place that I draw the line is at those that harm others with criminal intent. Once you have crossed that line, I can no longer support your "right" to certain freedoms. You chose to forfeit those when you committed criminal acts.
At the end of the day, what difference does it make to anyone if my skin is purple, brown, green, white or orange? Does it change who I am on the inside? If I prefer to sleep with women instead of men, does that make me someone less worthy of love, kindness and compassion? Who would I be harming in those situations? No one. So, why do people judge? Why do they assume they have the right to judge? Why do people feel they have a right to be superior over any other human?
In my work as a lightworker or energy healer, I firmly believe that we are all made of energy. When you break every person, plant and animal down to the barest of bones, we are molecules and atoms banging around together making us a certain form. If every single person on earth is made up of energy, are we not all one and the same? And if that line of thinking were true, then how can any one person be "better" energy than another?
When it comes down to it, we have choices to make. We can choose to be part of the problem, or we can choose to rise above, choose to educate ourselves, act in kindness and love. Even more importantly, we can lead by example, we can teach our children and our loved ones to treat others with kindness and love. Wars could not be created if everyone acted out of love and compassion and worried less about money, power and greed. Can you imagine the vibration of the world's energy if every person acted in kindness instead of hate? How amazing would it be to see each person you pass on the street smiling and greeting others? How terrific to see people helping those less fortunate in whatever way possible?
Do people really willingly choose hatred and fear? Why? Because they don't know better? That is no excuse in this day and age. Those of us who do not choose it need to retaliate against the hate, the fear, the rage. However, we must be strategic in our retaliation. Destroying symbols of the extremist groups is simply sinking to their level. We must retaliate with love. Kindness. Compassion. Set an example for others, educate some, stand up for those less fortunate, the down-trodden, those who cannot stand up for themselves. Small acts of kindness in our every day lives go a long way. We need to do them not because we will be recognized for it, not because others are watching, but because it is the right thing to do. We need to look into the eyes of the souls of the people we come across and not look at their clothes, colour, religion, sexual orientation.
Will you join me in standing up and spreading love? One person really can make a difference. Can we show the world where the love is? Of course we can, but will we?

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