Do you make resolutions? I do in a way, but I also make goals all year long. At the beginning of the year, though, I tend to really think about the past year, what has gone well, what hasn't and what I want to change. Lots of times this will lead to some changes in my goals and resolve to recommit to some goals. So, I guess I do.
This year, my main resolution is the theme "Do More of That".
Essentially that means to really think about what fills me up and what doesn't. When making commitments to volunteer activities - I am going to ask myself - what does this do to help with my theme? If it doesn't do anything, then I am going to say no. (And try to do it without justifying my answer). When it comes to my career planning and pathing - I am going to start looking to apply it to that as well. Am I living my passion? Does this role make me happy? Does it speak to my morals and values? And if it doesn't - don't apply for it, or if it is my current role, look for something that will fill my bucket more instead.
I have told many people, friends, staff and family alike - Life is too short to spend your days at a job you don't like. There are so many people out there who work for a living in a job that they are doing because they need the money or they thought it would suit them but it doesn't. Not only are they unhappy, but they aren't doing the job as well as someone that does it because they love it. We are only given so much time on this earth. It is really important that we make the most of the time we have. That includes taking a look at our jobs and asking ourselves - does this make me happy? When I write down the 5 things that make me the most happy and write down 5 of my most important values in life - does my job fit the majority? If it doesn't, I would wager, it's time to look at what does. Who can give 110% to something that doesn't make them excited to get out of bed in the morning? (okay, don't get me wrong, I realize it is not realistic to want to get up and go to work every day all year - but MOST of the time).
Chances are, if you are not happy at your job, even if you don't know it, your boss isn't that happy with your performance. Take the opportunity to find a mentor or sign up for a personal growth workshop or read a book about digging into your happiness factors. What are they? What about your current job makes you happy? Do you love helping people? Do you love working with numbers? Do you love digging in and problem solving? What is it? Get serious about being happy.
I truly believe that as the quote by Mandy Hale says - Happiness is an Inside Job. If you are unhappy 40+ hours a week, what are you doing to your body? Unhappiness and negative feelings start to take a toll on your physical body (will get into that some other day). The more unhappy you are, the more your body reacts. Happy people are generally healthier people. Also, what are you doing to your family? Your relationships? Your life? If you don't like your job... CHANGE IT.
Now, all of that said, I love most of my job. But it's temporary, so I have been doing some on paper and heart searching evaluations of what my next steps will be. That's a big job. It is important though. If I am going to be true to my resolve of "Do More of That" - I need to evaluate what makes me happy, what gets me out of bed in the morning AND I have to balance it with "what is going to pay the bills". For we all have bills to pay - and I am not saying to quit your job if you don't like it and quit paying your bills. I am saying - take a look at what's out there. What could you do to change your current job to fit you better or what can you change about your perspective of it? What jobs are out there that interest you and how can you position yourself to be the best candidate when they become available?
On a personal level - if you don't have a hobby - GET ONE!!! My parents (sorry guys - don't worry I won't say anything bad) are in retirement right now and have no real hobbies to speak of. I worry for them because they are in reasonably good health and don't really have that thing that makes them jump out of bed in retirement. How can you live a long, healthy life when your reason to get out of bed stops when your job stops? We all need hobbies. Lucky for my mom and dad, they are young enough to still find things that they will enjoy. What do you LOVE? What are you PASSIONATE about? Try it! What do you have to lose?
There are so many things out there - some are expensive, but some cost very little. My favourite hobby is travel and my second favourite is riding horses... So, sometimes, I have to defer to my lesser expensive hobbies like writing, reading, teaching, spending time with friends, meditation. If you don't have a hobby - try things. Go to a yoga class. Sign up for a class at the local gym or through the local lifelong learning group.. Take a different language class. Dig into your ancestry (another of my little obsessions). If you don't know what you like, try a little of everything! Read a book for the first time, write in a journal, take a walk in a local park - there are lots of things you can try that won't break your bank.
I have probably rambled long enough for today and I could go on and on (and often do). I would challenge everyone to consider making 2017 your "Do More of That" year. Can you imagine if everyone started doing the things they love more? Or maybe you just change your thoughts about the things you are already doing? Wouldn't everyone's Facebook and Instagram feeds look different if they were all doing more of what they love? Can you imagine what a fun time it would be in the morning to pop open your feeds and see nothing but your friends and family talking about all the great things they are doing? All that positivity would blow our minds. Couldn't we all use a little more of that? I know I could.
It doesn't need to touch all aspects of your life. Consider though looking at changing even one thing in your day that allows you to do something that you love and that speaks to your passions in life. If you do, I would love to hear about it! 2017 has the potential to be fabulous! Let's all do more of what makes our heart sing! Namaste!
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