Does anyone else have this? I can't possibly be the only one. As an adult, a working woman, a mom, a wife (and daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law) of someone who works in oil & gas, a rancher and someone working in the financial industry, I get that it is important to follow politics and the news and keep abreast of the latest goings on. But I am sick and tired of being inundated constantly with politics. In fact, I am starting to think I need to go to some caveman living so I can escape the constant onslaught.
My actual political opinions don't even factor into this. I do have them. I have very strong opinions; I have done my research. I am also open enough that I am able to have a rational conversation with someone I disagree with and maybe even learn something. I don't mind sitting around a table with some friends having a coffee or another beverage and batting around some discussion about it. WHY, though, must it penetrate every thing we do and see?
Facebook, instagram and twitter are full of ongoing rants (rarely raves, but sometimes) about various politicians. My husband is one of the worst offenders. I am to the point where I may actually unfollow my own spouse of nearly 19 years. I get it. You hate Trudeau, you hate Notley and you love Trump. I DON'T CARE. Truth is, I knew that previous to the 9 - 15 shared posts daily about you, dear. I love you, but for the love of God, sharing stuff on Facebook is not helping. Write some well-worded, rational emails and letters to your MLA, MP and your ministers and leaders. Stop sharing stuff that is just a bunch of people commiserating about their mutual hatred of the current regime. If you care that much, do something productive about it. (He's not the only one on my feed, but I have pretty much un-followed the majority of the rest of them)
My real complaint is that I believe that if all of the keyboard warriors were that concerned about the various levels of government, they would be looking at productive ways to change things, to indicate their frustrations and convey their concerns. I get that the media is powerful, but does anyone really think that Justin Trudeau is reading the anti-liberal group's posts on Facebook to see how many shares it got? Pretty sure he has some vacationing to do instead (oops, there's a little of my political opinion slipping in).
I am frustrated with certain things as well, but sharing 10 posts a day on Facebook, Instagram and my snap story are not changing it. If it really bothers me, I will attend a rally and write letters and emails. In fact, I have done just that in the past year and a half. I wish everyone would. But I am tired of seeing all the negativity and ongoing whining everywhere. It takes a toll after awhile.
The other thing about "politics" that frustrates me is that it is in everything we do. Where it really riles me up and makes me shake my head is in organizations that are supposedly youth centered. Currently, my inbox has no less than 8 emails from the past 3 days regarding some drama in our Alberta High School Rodeo Association. Unfortunately, between the 8 emails that contain multiple letters and the Facebook post on our page with 80+ comments, I still have no real idea what brought all of the drama on.
There are two sides and with all that I have read, I am still not sure what the issue is. What I do know is that there are many people, many volunteers that make an association like High School Rodeo happen. I know that I appreciate the immense time commitment that those volunteers put in. I am grateful for those that put the time in WITHOUT A PERSONAL AGENDA. For if you are a true volunteer for the sake of the sport and the sake of the kids, you should not be furthering your own agenda. We try to keep our distance from any of the politicking and behind the scenes "stuff" that goes on because it is easier that way. We help out where we can, always available to lend a hand. We have some awesome friends through this association. What I hate to see is the kids potentially suffering for whatever is going on behind the scenes whether from the national or local level. The people who have volunteered to do their roles for the good of the sport and the good of the kids deserve our support and backing.
4-H - an organization I hold near and dear to my heart is another place where I feel there is no place for politics, but there it is anyhow. The lengths that some people will go over a ribbon is unbelievable. The manipulations that happen to further one child's success at the expense of another's opportunities for the same blows my mind. The things I have seen this year within this organization have made my head spin and my blood boil. I have seen people deliberately trying to ostracize others because of too much success. How is it fair to punish youth that have passion and ambition for something because others don't? I can't wrap my head around it. I come back to this... I am grateful for those that volunteer their time to this amazing youth organization WITHOUT A PERSONAL AGENDA.
The fact is, when it comes to 4-H, our own kids have suffered some in their riding skills because no kid wants to learn from mom and dad. While we are busy helping other kids grow, our own are falling by the wayside to some extent. They get the benefit of being in a great club and community and many opportunities. When it comes to 4-H, it should be about the kids learning to do by doing, learning about record keeping, public speaking, community stewardship AND the skills and knowledge involved in whatever project they are in. It should not be about parents and leaders trying to elevate their own worth via their association with the organization or their club's successes. It brings me to tears every fall when I look back on our year and think of all the growth that our members have experienced and it makes my heart swell with pride in them and their accomplishments. That is what keeps me engaged in the organization. Not personal gain. Not how I look to the "powers that be", whoever they are. I care that "my" kids are growing and learning and becoming better riders, more productive community citizens, better public speakers and wonderful people. Why can't that be enough for everyone?
It seems there is no place free from people trying to wheel their own personal agendas and force their opinions on you. I am so mentally exhausted of seeing personal attacks in the name of someone's beliefs. Is that not what the basis of terrorism is? Attacking those who do not share the same exact beliefs? There are so many personal attacks in the comments on social media around the political posts. There are personal attacks around the politics happening in our youth organizations. At what point, as grown adults did we un-learn the fact that we can AGREE to DISAGREE? Why can't we live and let live - just a little? I live by that motto and unless you are hurting my kids or my family and friends - whatever you do in your world is your business.
If every person could worry about their own lives a little more and everyone else's opinions a little less, I think we would find the world would be a much better place. Am I happy about our provincial and federal government? What can I do within my own power to influence that? Attacking someone else for being stupid or useless for not agreeing with me does nothing but make me look like an idiot. Don't people realize that? How many people have changed their opinion of a political issue based on someone calling them a dumb ^&*( because they didn't agree with someone else? I can almost guarantee the answer is no one.
Let's work on our own lives and what we can do in our own space to make the world a better place. Let's take time to be kind, to volunteer in our communities, to teach our kids respect and morals. Let's speak positively about what we feel positive about and share how we think we can change whatever is bothering us. Let's lift people up around us. We should volunteer because we want to be the change we wish to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi) and not because we are going to get something out of it. We should support those who do all of these things for the betterment of our society, our youth, our sports that we are passionate about.
I guess, I am just tired of all the negativity more than anything. There are so many people doing good things that do them for no personal gain. They do them because they have seen an opportunity to make things better or different. I would love to be inundated with those stories and not the negative, whiny, not accomplishing anything ranting about the latest celebrity or political leader. There are good people doing amazing things. If everyone took the time to celebrate the kindness, the good works, the volunteers, the people who made a career out of doing amazing things for others, the world would be a better place. People would be inspired to follow suit.
I believe that if we give more time to the good that is happening than dwelling on the bad, the world would be a better place despite who is in charge of the municipality, province, nation. The world would focus on how to make the world a better place on small and large scale. The law of attraction dictates that the more you focus on something the more of it you attract. If we keep focusing on all the negative, soul-sucking things that are going on, we don't leave room for the positive to enter our lives. I am tired of the inundation of negative, mind-numbing media and social media "information". I am choosing to let there be light. Maybe others will to.